Estes días tivemos moito traballo na clase de Plástica. Como en Galicia celebramos con intensidade a festa do magosto pero tamén celebramos o Samaín, xuntamos as dúas e así facemos a festa das castañas ao tempo que decoramos cabazas, e tamén o noso cole, con motivos de medo. Mentres nós andivemos a preparar uns botes de leite, zume e convertímolos en cartóns para meter as castañas asadas e quentes nun lado, e botar as cáscaras no outro. Así non manchamos e aprendemos a ser cívicos. Pero ademais de facer o noso bote, decorámolo con todo o que quixemos. Menudas preciosidades que creamos!
During these days we had hard work in Art classes. Galicians celebrate intensively the Magosto party as well as the Halloween (Samaín), so we joint both and eat roasting chesnuts and decorate amazing pumpkins and also fill our school,,with fear staff. Meanwhile we did a jar divided in two parts. In one part we put the roasting chesnuts and in the other we throw the peels. so they learn to be civilized and they recycle cartons. Finally, children could decorate their jar with any fear drawing. What amazing jars they have now!!!
This is an Art Plurilingual Section blog to share our best, fun and creative works, from the first t level of Primary at Ramallosa School, in Teo, Galicia, Spain! Este é o noso blog de Arte da Sección Plurilingüe no que compartiremos os nosos mellores traballos, os máis divertidos e creativos, feitos polo alumnado de primeiro de primaria do CEIP da Ramallosa, en Teo, Galicia, España.
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Two different activities to enjoy and respect our environment. In one of them the children drew a big mural to represent our planet. In the...

Thank you, Catuxa, for these beautiful works. I love them!! Grazas, Catuxa, polos teus preciosos traballos. Encántanme!! She did: a rainbo...