E xa chegou o Nadal ao cole. Toca facer decoracións, escoitar panxoliñas, etc.
Christmas is here! We make ornaments, sing Christmas carols and have fun!!
This is an Art Plurilingual Section blog to share our best, fun and creative works, from the first t level of Primary at Ramallosa School, in Teo, Galicia, Spain! Este é o noso blog de Arte da Sección Plurilingüe no que compartiremos os nosos mellores traballos, os máis divertidos e creativos, feitos polo alumnado de primeiro de primaria do CEIP da Ramallosa, en Teo, Galicia, España.
jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2019
Como cada ano, chega a festividade americana de acción de gracias. Nesta ocasión o alumnado traballouno coa axuda da nosa auxiliar de conversa, americana, de Virginia, que lles contou de onde viña esta tradición. Despois fixeron estes fermosos traballos.
Each year, Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA. For this occasion, our American auxiliar from Virginia explained to them the origins of this tradition. She showed our pupils an activity to honour the festivity. Finally, they made beautiful works, like these:
Each year, Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA. For this occasion, our American auxiliar from Virginia explained to them the origins of this tradition. She showed our pupils an activity to honour the festivity. Finally, they made beautiful works, like these:
martes, 3 de diciembre de 2019
Autumn is well-reflected in trees. They change their colours to yellow, brown, red, orange...
Klimt's tree is different because its branches have swirls and blotches of colours to represent the life cycle.
My students created their own trees and that was the result (from 4th grade to 1st)
O outono reflíctese perfectamente nas árbores. Cambian a cores como amarelo, marrón, vermello, laranxa...
A árbore de Klimt é diferente porque as súas pólas son enroscadas e hai un modelo de cores que en conxunto representa o ciclo da vida
O meu alumnado creou as súas propias árbores e este foi o resultado (de 4º a 1º curso).
Klimt's tree is different because its branches have swirls and blotches of colours to represent the life cycle.
My students created their own trees and that was the result (from 4th grade to 1st)
O outono reflíctese perfectamente nas árbores. Cambian a cores como amarelo, marrón, vermello, laranxa...
A árbore de Klimt é diferente porque as súas pólas son enroscadas e hai un modelo de cores que en conxunto representa o ciclo da vida
O meu alumnado creou as súas propias árbores e este foi o resultado (de 4º a 1º curso).
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Two different activities to enjoy and respect our environment. In one of them the children drew a big mural to represent our planet. In the...

Thank you, Catuxa, for these beautiful works. I love them!! Grazas, Catuxa, polos teus preciosos traballos. Encántanme!! She did: a rainbo...