Three artists, three pieces. We match the pieces and...the first exquisite corpses are decorating the corridor at the school.
This is an Art Plurilingual Section blog to share our best, fun and creative works, from the first t level of Primary at Ramallosa School, in Teo, Galicia, Spain! Este é o noso blog de Arte da Sección Plurilingüe no que compartiremos os nosos mellores traballos, os máis divertidos e creativos, feitos polo alumnado de primeiro de primaria do CEIP da Ramallosa, en Teo, Galicia, España.
domingo, 28 de octubre de 2018
miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018
viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018
O alumnado de primeiro e segundo tamén vai celebrar o Samaín, e neste caso imos decorar o corredor do centro de fermosas calaveras mexicanas. Son moi coloridas e divertidas, decoradas con corazóns, flores, etc. A intención é restarlle medo a esta celebración, e convertila nalgo divertido.
First and second year students are going to celebrate Halloween, too. They will decorate the corridor with fun and colourful mexican skulls, full of flowers, petals, hearts and so on... These skulls were born to downplay death and to have fun.
Of course, our older students can try to do their own beautiful skulls!
First and second year students are going to celebrate Halloween, too. They will decorate the corridor with fun and colourful mexican skulls, full of flowers, petals, hearts and so on... These skulls were born to downplay death and to have fun.
Of course, our older students can try to do their own beautiful skulls!
jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018
É unha técnica pola que, dobrando un papel en tres partes, en cada unha faise unha parte do corpo sen saber que foi o que se fixo na outra. Ao abrir o folio aparecen figuras simpáticas. Nós imos crear un monstro entre tres nenos e nenas. Un fai a cabeza, outro o tronco e outro as pernas. Logo xuntaranse e...rirémomonos un pouco.
This is an artistic technique created by surrealist painters. Our artists have to fold the paper in three and in each part they will draw the head, the trunk and the legs not knowing what they are drawing. The result is amazing.
In this case, each children have got a paper and they do not know who will draw the rest of the body. They have to draw monsters (scary heads, trunks and legs)
Let's have fun!
É unha técnica pola que, dobrando un papel en tres partes, en cada unha faise unha parte do corpo sen saber que foi o que se fixo na outra. Ao abrir o folio aparecen figuras simpáticas. Nós imos crear un monstro entre tres nenos e nenas. Un fai a cabeza, outro o tronco e outro as pernas. Logo xuntaranse e...rirémomonos un pouco.
This is an artistic technique created by surrealist painters. Our artists have to fold the paper in three and in each part they will draw the head, the trunk and the legs not knowing what they are drawing. The result is amazing.
In this case, each children have got a paper and they do not know who will draw the rest of the body. They have to draw monsters (scary heads, trunks and legs)
miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018
Benvidos e benvidas!
Nace este blog coa intención de compartir momentos e actividades que fan os nosos nenos e nenas na sección bilingüe, área de Plástica, no colexio da Ramallosa. A nosa intención é aprender inglés e técnicas artísticas divertíndonos moito. Os e as nosas artistas están en primeiro, segundo, terceiro e cuarto de primaria.
Welcome everyone!
I did this blog to share moments and activities done by our children in the bilingual section, in Art, at Ramallosa school. Our intention is to have fun learning English and several artistic techniques. These artists are in first, second, third and fourth degrees
Enjoy with us!!
Nace este blog coa intención de compartir momentos e actividades que fan os nosos nenos e nenas na sección bilingüe, área de Plástica, no colexio da Ramallosa. A nosa intención é aprender inglés e técnicas artísticas divertíndonos moito. Os e as nosas artistas están en primeiro, segundo, terceiro e cuarto de primaria.
Welcome everyone!
I did this blog to share moments and activities done by our children in the bilingual section, in Art, at Ramallosa school. Our intention is to have fun learning English and several artistic techniques. These artists are in first, second, third and fourth degrees
Enjoy with us!!
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