É unha técnica pola que, dobrando un papel en tres partes, en cada unha faise unha parte do corpo sen saber que foi o que se fixo na outra. Ao abrir o folio aparecen figuras simpáticas. Nós imos crear un monstro entre tres nenos e nenas. Un fai a cabeza, outro o tronco e outro as pernas. Logo xuntaranse e...rirémomonos un pouco.
This is an artistic technique created by surrealist painters. Our artists have to fold the paper in three and in each part they will draw the head, the trunk and the legs not knowing what they are drawing. The result is amazing.
In this case, each children have got a paper and they do not know who will draw the rest of the body. They have to draw monsters (scary heads, trunks and legs)
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