Toca xa iniciar unha nova actividade. Imos facer cousas cos materiais máis sinxelos de atopar estes días: as follas das árbores. O outono muda as cores da paisaxe, as follas enchen o chan e nós imos decorar a nosa aula e o corredor partindo desta idea outonal.
It's time to start our new activity. We want to do paintings with simple and easy-to-find materials: the Autumn leaves. This season changes our landscape colours, the leaves fill up the floor in everywhere and we are going to decorate our classroom and the school corridor from this autumnal idea.
This is an Art Plurilingual Section blog to share our best, fun and creative works, from the first t level of Primary at Ramallosa School, in Teo, Galicia, Spain! Este é o noso blog de Arte da Sección Plurilingüe no que compartiremos os nosos mellores traballos, os máis divertidos e creativos, feitos polo alumnado de primeiro de primaria do CEIP da Ramallosa, en Teo, Galicia, España.
sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2018
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Two different activities to enjoy and respect our environment. In one of them the children drew a big mural to represent our planet. In the...

Thank you, Catuxa, for these beautiful works. I love them!! Grazas, Catuxa, polos teus preciosos traballos. Encántanme!! She did: a rainbo...
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