Spring is a changeable season, when birds make their nests and the Nature is colourful and lively. We did flowers using lids to recicling (first graders) and a puzzle (fourth graders)
This is an Art Plurilingual Section blog to share our best, fun and creative works, from the first t level of Primary at Ramallosa School, in Teo, Galicia, Spain! Este é o noso blog de Arte da Sección Plurilingüe no que compartiremos os nosos mellores traballos, os máis divertidos e creativos, feitos polo alumnado de primeiro de primaria do CEIP da Ramallosa, en Teo, Galicia, España.
martes, 23 de abril de 2019
COLOURFUL SPRING. Primavera colorida.
A primavera é unha estación de cambios, de paxariños facendo os seus niños, natureza chea de vida, de cores. Así a traballamos, con tapóns de reciclaxe (alumnado de primeiro) para facer flores e cun mural-crebacabezas (o alumnado de cuarto)
Spring is a changeable season, when birds make their nests and the Nature is colourful and lively. We did flowers using lids to recicling (first graders) and a puzzle (fourth graders)
Spring is a changeable season, when birds make their nests and the Nature is colourful and lively. We did flowers using lids to recicling (first graders) and a puzzle (fourth graders)
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